
Professor Dorota Nalepka

Professor Emeritus

Portrait photo of Dorota Nalepka
Palaeobotany and Palaeoenvironment Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland


Research interests

  • Palynological studies of younger quaternary (mainly late glacial and Holocene) biogenic sediments aimed at determining the changes in vegetation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors (Kujawy, central Poland; Niepołomice Forest, southern Poland).
  • Palynological studies of fossil organic layers of earthen fill lodging in archaeological excavations (e.g., Podłęże near Kraków, Kraków – Wawel Hill).
  • Development of POLPAL software for electronic archiving as well as graphical and numerical processing of palynological data.
  • Processing of natural data using the proprietary POLPAL software; selection of options (computational and graphic) for the content-optimal solution of specific environmental problems.
  • Isopollen mapping.

Recent publications (selected)

Dzięgielewski K., Nalepka D., Chlebicki A., Walanus A. 2021. Too young for tinder? The palaeoecological context and possible function of subfossil fungi (basidiomes) found in the settlement from the Early Iron Age in Podłęże, S Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36: 102837. DOI

Felde V.A., Flantua S.G.A., Jenks C.R., Benito B.M., de Beaulieu J.-L., Kuneš P., Magri D., Nalepka D., Risebrobakken B., ter Braak C.J.F., Allen J.R.M., Granoszewski W., Helmens K.F., Huntley B., Kondratienė O., Kalniņa L., Kupryjanowicz M., Malkiewicz M., Milner A.M., Nita M., Noryśkiewicz B., Pidek I.A., Reille M., Salonen J.S., Šeirienė V., Winter H., Tzedakis P.C., Birks H.J.B. 2020. Compositional turnover and variation in Eemian pollen sequences in Europe. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 29: 101–109. DOI

Mueller-Bieniek A., Bogucki P., Pyzel J., Kapcia M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Nalepka D. 2019. The role of Chenopodium in the subsistence economy of pioneer agriculturalists on the northern frontier of the Linear Pottery culture in Kuyavia, central Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science 111: 105027. DOI

Kupryjanowicz M., Nalepka D., Madeyska E., Turner C. (eds.) 2018. Eemian history of vegetation in Poland based on isopollen maps. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków.

Kupryjanowicz M., Nalepka D., Pidek I.A., Walanus A., Balwierz Z., Bińka K., Fiłoc M., Granoszewski W., Kołaczek P., Majecka A., Malkiewicz M., Nita M., Noryśkiewicz B., Winter H. 2018. The east-west migration of trees during the Eemian Interglacial registered on isopollen maps of Poland. Quaternary International 467: 178–191. DOI

Iszkuło G., Pers-Kamczyc E., Nalepka D., Rabska M., Walas Ł., Dering M. 2016. Postglacial migration dynamics helps to explain current scattered distribution of Taxus baccata. Dendrobiology 76: 81–89. DOI

Krąpiec M., Margielewski W., Korzeń K., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Nalepka D., Łajczak A. 2016. The significance of bog pine dendrochronology related to peat stratigraphy. The Puścizna Wielka raised bog case study (Orawa – Nowy Targ Basin, Polish Inner Carpathians). Quaternary Science Reviews 148: 192–208. DOI