Dr Jolanta Piątek
Assistant Professor

Research interests
- Ecology, biogeography and taxonomy of algae, with particular emphasis on golden-brown algae (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae).
- The impact of cyanobacterial blooms on the biodiversity of algae.
Higher education and employment history
- MSc degree at the Higher College of Teacher Training in Kraków (1998).
- Research assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences (1999–2004).
- PhD degree at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2004).
- Assistant professor at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2005).
- Habilitation at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2015).
Membership and awards
- Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee at the Scientific Council of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2015).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Plant and Fungal Systematics (since 2018).
- Member of the Vocational Counseling Committee at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2018).
- Member of the Scientific Council of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2019).
- Member of the Social Affairs Committee at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2019).
International experience
- Egypt (2006) – 2-week scientific research expedition.
- Cameroon (2007) – 6-week scientific research expedition.
Research projects
- Biodiversity of algae of the vanishing peat bog in Budzyń − Kraków-Częstochowa Upland (2001−2002); grant no. 6 P04G 022 20; Ministry of Science and Higher Education − project leader.
- Diversity of monads as the basis of systematic and evolutionary connections of euglenins of the genus Strombomonas and Trachelomonas (2001−2005); grant no. 6 P04C 036 21; Ministry of Science and Higher Education – contractor.
- Diversity of morphotypes of chrysophyte stomatocysts in ponds, lakes and peat bogs of Tatra National Park (2005–2008); grant no. 2 P04G 023 28; Ministry of Science and Higher Education − project leader.
- Life and death of the extinct rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus sp.) from western Poland in the light of interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental studies (2018–2021); grant no. 0201/2048/18 [2017/25/B/ST10/00111]; National Science Centre (NCN) – contractor.
- OZwRCIN: Open resources in the digital repository of scientific institutes (2018−2021); grant no. POPC.02.03.01-00-0029/17; Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014−2020 – contractor.
Recent publications (selected)
Adamski M., Flakus A., Kaminski A., Piątek J., Solarska M., Żmudzki P. 2024. The first report of the production of anatoxin-a by Bolivian terrestrial cyanobacteria. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 93: 177923. DOI
Chen X., Bai X., Langdon P.G., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Peng J., Zheng T., Cao Y. 2024. Asynchronous multitrophic level regime shifts show resilience to lake browning. Science of The Total Environment 912: 168798. DOI
Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Niska M., Kotrys B., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Lenarczyk J., Piątek J., Kołaczek P., Borówka R.K., Bąk M., Tarnawski D., Kadej M., Sobczyk A., Łabęcka K., Stachowicz K., Stefaniak K. 2024. Multi-proxy environmental reconstruction of the Eemian and Early Vistulian – Before, during and after the life of the forest rhino Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) from Gorzów Wielkopolski (NW Poland). Quaternary International 686–687: 49–82. DOI
Piątek M., Lutz M., Mossebo D.C., Piątek J. 2024. Emended description and phylogenetic placement of Dermatosorus schoenoplecti (Ustilaginales). Phytotaxa 674: 218–228. DOI
Adamski M., Piątek J., Solarska M., Kamiński A. 2023. Katalityczna dekompozycja cylindrospermopsyny – jednej z najniebezpieczniejszych toksyn syntetyzowanych przez sinice. Wiadomości Botaniczne in press. DOI
Bai X., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Yang T., Chen X. 2023. Sedimentary chrysophycean stomatocysts from an alpine lake in the Three Gorge Reservoir region, central China. Nova Hedwigia 116: 193–230. DOI
Piątek J., Solarska M., Adamski M. 2023. Stomatocysty złotowiciowców zagłębienia wytopiskowego w Dolinie Suchej Wody – okresowego zbiornika wodnego w Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym, Polska. Wiadomości Botaniczne in press. DOI
Solarska M., Adamski M., Piątek J. 2023. Complicated family relationships, or about taxonomic problems in the family Pyrenomonadaceae (Cryptophyceae). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 52: 299–306. DOI
Bai X., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Bu Z.-J., Chen X. 2021. Chrysophyte stomatocysts and their associations with environmental variables in three peatlands in the subtropical monsoon climate zone of China. Ecological Indicators 121: 107125. DOI
Piątek J. 2021. Validation of two algal names: Mallomonas camerunensis and Mallomonas cronbergiae (Chrysophyceae, Stramenopiles). Plant and Fungal Systematics 66: 46–47. DOI
Bai X., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Bu Z., Chen X. 2020. New stomatocyst discoverd in Sphagnum, peatlands, Central China. Phytotaxa 477: 151–170. DOI
Lenarczyk J., Saługa M., Piątek J. 2020. Integrative approach helps clarify confusing taxonomy of the Pseudopediastrum boryanum species complex (Chlorophyceae), including recognition of five distinct species. Journal of Phycology 56: 1557–1574. DOI
Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Krzewicka B., Piątek J., Kołodziejczyk Ł.M., Kapusta P. 2020. Is there a link between the biological colonization of the gravestone and its deterioration? International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 148: 104879. DOI
Piątek J., Lenarczyk J., Piątek M. 2020. Assessing morphological congruence in Dinobryon species and their stomatocysts, including a newly established Dinobryon pediforme–stomatocyst connection. Scientific Reports 10: 9779. DOI
Stefaniak K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Borówka R.K., Hrynowiecka A., Sobczyk A., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Kotowski A., Nowakowski D., Krajcarz M.T., Billia E.M.E., Persico D., Burkanova E.M., Leshchinskiy S.V., van Asperen E., Ratajczak U., Shpansky A.V., Lempart M., Wach B., Niska M., van der Made J., Stachowicz K., Lenarczyk J., Piątek J., Kovalchuk O. 2020. Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799). Quaternary International 605–606: 192–212. DOI
Poniewozik M., Wołowski K., Piątek J. 2018. Trachelomonas volzii vs T. dubia (Euglenophyceae) – one or two separate species? Study on similarities and differences of the species. Phytotaxa 357: 1–16. DOI
Ziegler R., Lutz M., Piątek J., Piątek M. 2018. Dismantling a complex of anther smuts (Microbotryum) on carnivorous plants in the genus Pinguicula. Mycologia 110: 361–374. DOI
Piątek J. 2017. A morphotype-rich assemblage of chrysophycean stomatocysts in mountain lakes in the Cameroon Highlands, Africa. Cryptogamie, Algologie 38: 159–180. DOI
Piątek J., Łukaszek M. 2016. Mallomonas cronbergiae (Chrysophyceae, Stramenopiles), a new species from the Guineo-Congolian rainforest in Cameroon. Polish Botanical Journal 61: 199–204. DOI