Dr Renata Stachowicz-Rybka
Associate Professor
Research interests
- Quaternary palaeobotany, analysis of plant macroremains, fossil seeds, fruits, megaspores and other remains, reconstruction of climatic and environmental changes in Pleistocene, Late Glacial and Holocene of Poland, Late Pleistocene and Holocene of Ukraine.
- Pleistocene of Poland. Floras of macroscopic plant remains from lacustrine and fluvio-lacustrine sediments of the Augustovian, Ferdynandovian and Eemian Interglacials.
- Interdisciplinary studies of Late Glacial and Holocene lacustrine and peat sediments from Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Germany.
- Description of Quaternary sediments, particularly their sedimentation environment.
- Archaeobotany (peated and carbonified plant macroremains) with particular emphasis on research from Meso- and Neolithic sites in Poland.
Recent publications (selected)
Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Niska M., Kotrys B., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Lenarczyk J., Piątek J., Kołaczek P., Borówka R.K., Bąk M., Tarnawski D., Kadej M., Sobczyk A., Łabęcka K., Stachowicz K., Stefaniak K. 2024. Multi-proxy environmental reconstruction of the Eemian and Early Vistulian – Before, during and after the life of the forest rhino Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) from Gorzów Wielkopolski (NW Poland). Quaternary International 686–687: 49–82. DOI
Margielewski W., Krąpiec M., Buczek K., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Korzeń K., Niska M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wojtal A.Z., Mroczkowska A., Obidowicz A., Sala D., Drzewicki W., Barniak J., Urban J. 2024. Hydrological variability of middle European peatland during the Holocene, inferred from subfossil bog pine and bog oak dendrochronology and high-resolution peat multiproxy analysis of the Budwity peatland (northern Poland). Science of The Total Environment 931: 172925. DOI
Petera-Zganiacz J., Majecka A., Dzieduszyńska D., Forysiak J., Okupny D., Skoczylas-Śniaz S., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Twardy J., Zawiska I. 2024. Warunki paleogeograficzne funkcjonowania kopalnego koryta w stanowisku Koźmin-Głowy; Dolina Warty, Kotlina Kolska. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 116: 79–98. DOI
Piech W., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Cywa K., Mroczkowska A., Słowiński M., Okupny D., Krąpiec M., Ginter A., Mazurkevich A., Kittel P. 2024. Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting intense slope processes in Eastern Europe during the Modern Period: Serteyka river valley, Russia. The Holocene in press. DOI
Pochocka-Szwarc K., Żarski M., Hrynowiecka A., Górecki A., Pidek I.A., Szymanek M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Stachowicz K., Skoczylas-Śniaz S. 2024. Mazovian Interglacial sites in the Sosnowica Depression and the Parczew-Kodeń Heights (Western Polesie, SE Poland), and their stratigraphic, palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental significance. Geological Quarterly 68: 18. DOI
Twardy J., Petera-Zganiacz J., Dzieduszyńska D., Forysiak J., Milecka K., Okupny D., Rudna M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Skoczylas-Śniaz S. 2024. Etapy rozwoju holoceńskiego koryta w dolinie warty, stanowisko Koźmin-KN. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 116: 99–120. DOI
Antczak-Orlewska O., Okupny D., Pawłowski D., Kotrys B., Krąpiec M., Luoto T.P., Peyron O., Płóciennik M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wacnik A., Szmańda J.B., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Kittel P. 2023. The environmental history of the oxbow in the Luciąża River valley – Study on the specific microclimate during Allerød and Younger Dryas in central Poland. Quaternary International 644–645: 178–195. DOI
Ginter A., Piech W., Krąpiec M., Moska P., Sikorski J., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Cywa K., Piotrowska N., Mroczkowska A., Tołoczko W., Okupny D., Mazurkevich A., Kittel P. 2023. Intense and quick land relief transformation in the Little Ice Age: The age of accumulative fan deposits in Serteyka River Valley (Western East European Plain). Quaternary International 644–645: 160–177. DOI
Moskal-del Hoyo M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Tomas A., Winter H. 2023. The present and the past environment. In: A. Tomas (ed). Living with the army II. The results of remote sensing and fieldwalking surveys in Novae (Lower Moesia). Warsaw Studies in Archaeology 4. Brepols Publishing, Turnhout: 19–39.
Stefaniak K., Kotowski A., Badura J., Sobczyk A., Borówka R.K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Hrynowiecka A., Tomkowiak J., Sławinska J., Przybylski B., Ciszek D., Alexandrowicz W.P., Skoczylas-Śniaz S., Ratajczak-Skrzatek U., Shpansky A.V., Ilyina S.A., Moska P., Urbański K., Mirosław-Grabowska J., Niska M., Capalbo Ch., Nowakowski D., van der Made J., Popovic D., Baca M., Billia E.M.E. 2023. A skeleton of peat-trapped forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Northwestern Poland: a record of life and death of the Eemian large mammals. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen 308: 45–77. DOI
Margielewski W., Krąpiec M., Kupryjanowicz M., Fiłoc M., Buczek K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Obidowicz A., Pociecha A., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Sala D., Klimek A. 2022. Bog pine dendrochronology related to peat stratigraphy: Palaeoenvironmental changes reflected in peatland deposits since the Late Glacial (case study of the Imszar raised bog, Northeastern Poland). Quaternary International 613: 61–80. DOI
Mirosław-Grabowska J., Borówka R.K., Radzikowska M., Sławińska J., Hrynowiecka A., Sobczyk A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Stefaniak K. 2021. Environmental changes recorded in the sequence of lake-peat bogs in the Eemian Interglacial and Vistulian on the basis of multi-proxy data. Quaternary International 632: 51–64. DOI
Pawlik Ł., Okupny D., Kroh P., Cybul P., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Sady-Bugajska A. 2022. Changing natural conditions and their impact on the Mt. Śnieżnica landscape, Outer Western Carpathians – Reconstruction of the Holocene environment based on geochemical indices and radiocarbon dating. Science of the Total Environment 850: 158066. DOI
Pawłowska K., Zieliński T., Woronko B., Sobkowiak-Tabaka I., Stachowicz-Rybka R. 2022. Integrated environmental records in Late Pleistocene Poland: The paleofluvial regime and paleoclimate inferred from Krosinko site. Quaternary International 616: 12–29. DOI
Suchora M., Kultys K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Pidek I.A., Hrynowiecka A., Terpiłowski S., Łabęcka K., Żarski M. 2022. Palaeoecological record of long Eemian series from Kozłów (Central Poland) with reference to palaeoclimatic and palaeohydrological interpretation. Quaternary International 632: 36–50. DOI
Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Niska, M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Börner A., Rother H. 2021. Eemian (MIS 5e) climate oscillations based on palaeobotanical analysis from the Beckentin profile (NE Germany). Quaternary International 605–606: 38–54. DOI
Song Y.-G., Walas Ł., Pietras M., Sâm H.V., Yousefzadeh H., Ok T., Farzaliyev V., Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Stachowicz‑Rybka R., Boratyński A., Boratyńska K., Kozlowski G., Jasińska A.K. 2021. Past, present and future suitable areas for the relict tree Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Juglandaceae): Integrating fossil records, niche modeling, and phylogeography for conservation. European Journal of Forest Research 140: 1323–1339. DOI
Stefaniak K., Kovalchuk O., Kotusz J., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Mirosaw-Grabowska J., Winter H., Niska M., Sobczyk A., Barkaszi Z., Kotowski A., Malkiewicz M., Alexandrowicz W.P., Raczyński P., Badura J., Przybylski B., Ciszek D., Urbański K. 2021. Pleistocene freshwater environments of Poland: a comprehensive study of fish assemblages based on a multi-proxy approach. Boreas 50: 457–476. DOI
Sobczyk A., Borówka R.K, Badura J., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Tomkowiak J., Hrynowiecka A., Sławińska J., Tomczak M., Pitura M., Lamentowicz M., Kołaczek P., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Tarnawski D., Kadej M., Moska P., Krąpiec M., Stachowicz K., Bieniek B., Siedlik K., Bąk M., van der Made J., Kotowski A., Stefaniak K. 2020. Geology, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis‐bearing Quaternary palaeolake(s) of Gorzów Wielkopolski (NW Poland, Central Europe). Journal of Quaternary Science 35: 539–558. DOI
Stefaniak K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Borówka R.K., Hrynowiecka A., Sobczyk A., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Kotowski A., Nowakowski D., Krajcarz M.T., Billia E.M.E., Persico D., Burkanova E.M., Leshchinskiy S.V., van Asperen E., Ratajczak U., Shpansky A.V., Lempart M., Wach B., Niska M., van der Made J., Stachowicz K., Lenarczyk J., Piątek J., Kovalchuk O. 2020. Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799). Quaternary International in press. DOI
Karasiewicz T.M., Hulisz P., Noryśkiewicz A.M., Stachowicz-Rybka R. 2019. Post-glacial environmental history in NE Poland based on sedimentary records from the Dobrzyń Lakeland. Quaternary International 501: 193–207. DOI
Börner A., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Niska M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Kuznetsov V., Maksimov F., Petrov A. 2018. Palaeoecological investigations and 230Th/U dating of the Eemian Interglacial peat sequence from Neubrandenburg-Hinterste Mühle (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, NE Germany). Quaternary International 467: 62–78. DOI
Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Woszczyk M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Obidowicz A., Kołaczek P. 2018. The impact of climate changes during the last 6000 years on a small peatland in North-Eastern Poland: A multi-proxy study. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 259: 81–92. DOI
Kittel P., Sikora J., Antczak O., Brooks S.J., Elias S., Krąpiec M., Luoto T.P., Borówka R.K., Okupny D., Pawłowski D., Płóciennik M., Rzodkiewicz M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wacnik A. 2018. The palaeoecological development of the Late Medieval moat – Multiproxy research at Rozprza, Central Poland. Quaternary International 482: 131–156. DOI
Moskal-del Hoyo M., Wacnik A., Alexandrowicz W.P., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wilczyński J., Pospuła-Wędzicha S., Szwarczewski P., Korczyńska M., Cappenberg K., Nowak M. 2018. Open country species persisted in loess regions during the Atlantic and early Subboreal phases: New multidisciplinary data from southern Poland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 253: 49–69. DOI
Karasiewicz T.M., Hulisz P., Noryśkiewicz A.M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Michalski A., Dąbrowski M., Gamrat W.W. 2017. The impact of postglacial palaeoenvironmental changes on the properties of sediments in the kettle hole at the site of Jurki (NE Poland). Geological Quarterly 61: 319–333. DOI
Stachowicz-Rybka R., Pidek I.A., Żarski M. 2017. New palaeoclimate reconstructions based on multidisciplinary investigation in the Ferdynandów 2011 stratotype site (Eastern Poland). Geological Quarterly 61: 276–290. DOI
Bujak Ł., Woronko B., Winter H., Marcinkowski B., Werner T., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Żarski M., Woźniak P.P., Rosowiecka O. 2016. A new stratigraphic position of some Early Pleistocene deposits in central Poland. Geological Quarterly 60: 238–251. DOI
Gradziński M., Hercman H., Rizzi M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Stworzewicz E. 2016. Sedimentation of Holocene tufa influenced by the Neolithic man: An example from the Sąspowska Valley (southern Poland). Quaternary International 437: 71–83. DOI
Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Obidowicz A., Woszczyk M., Kołaczek P. 2016. A lake-bog succession vs. climate changes from 13,300 to 5900 cal. BP in NE Poland in the light of palaeobotanical and geochemical proxies. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 233: 199–215. DOI
Kittel P., Płóciennik M., Borówka R.K., Okupny D., Pawłowski D., Peyron O., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Obremska M., Cywa K. 2016. Early Holocene hydrology and environments of the Ner River (Poland). Quaternary Research 85: 187–203. DOI