
Dr Marta Hornyák

Assistant Professor

Portrait photo of Marta Hornyák
Functional and Evolutionary Ecology Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland


Research interests

  • Ecophysiology and biochemistry of plants.
  • Responses of plants to environmental stresses.
  • Plant in vitro cultures.
  • Secondary plant metabolites.

Higher education and employment history

  • MSc degree at the Adam Mickiewicz University (2013).
  • Research assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2021).

International experience

  • Philippines (2015) – 3-month stay as a volunteer assistant in scientific projects "Aqua Palawana", "Rainforestation" and "3rd Freshwater Invertebrate Biodiversity Workshop" leaded by prof. H. Freitag within "Youth for Sustainable Development Assebly" 2014–2015 organized by the European Voluntary Service (Erasmus Plus); Faculty of Biology, Ateneo de Manila University.

Research projects

  • Research grants from the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University.
  • Genetic variation, host specialization, and the ability to transmit wheat streak mosaic virus within the Aceria tosichella cryptic species complex (Acari: Eriophyoidea) (2011-2014); grant no. 2011/01/N/NZ8/04540; National Science Centre (NCN) – contractor.
  • Spatial distribution of Aceria tosichella (Acari: Eriophyoidea) biotypes differing in host specificity and degree of invasiveness (2012–2016); grant no. 2011/03/B/NZ8/00129; National Science Centre (NCN) – contractor.
  • Investigation of the mechanism of ovule sac degeneration and flower abortion as the cause of poor buckwheat seed setting (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) (2018–2021); grant no. 2017/25/B/NZ9/00148; National Science Centre (NCN) – contractor (doctoral scholarship).

Recent publications (selected)

Hornyák M., Grzesiak M., Płażek A. 2024. Measurements of leaf gas-exchange parameters using portable CIRAS-3 infrared gas analyzer, with a Parkinson Leaf Chamber (PLC6). In: A. Betekhtin, A. Pinski (eds.). Buckwheat. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2791. Humana, New York: 127–131. DOI

Hornyák M., Płażek A. 2024. Measurement of the kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence by an LED-light source fluorimeter, Handy PEA. In: A. Betekhtin, A. Pinski (eds.). Buckwheat. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2791. Humana, New York: 121–126. DOI

Kula-Maximenko M., Hornyák M., Płażek A. 2024. Measurement of the light intensity and spectrum influence on plant growth and secondary metabolites of common buckwheat. In: A. Betekhtin, A. Pinski (eds.). Buckwheat. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2791. Humana, New York: 133–137. DOI

Hornyák M., Słomka A., Kopeć P., Pastuszak J., Płażek A. 2023. Poprawa plonowania gryki zwyczajnej (Fagopyrum esculentum) – niepowodzenia i sukcesy. Kosmos 72: 79–88. DOI

Hornyák M., Dziurka M., Kula-Maximenko M., Pastuszak J., Szczerba A., Szklarczyk M., Płażek A. 2022. Photosynthetic efficiency, growth and secondary metabolism of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in different controlled-environment production systems. Scientific Reports 12: 257. DOI

Pastuszak J., Dziurka M., Hornyák M., Szczerba A., Kopeć P., Płażek A. 2022. Physiological and biochemical parameters of salinity resistance of three durum wheat genotypes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 8397. DOI

Kopeć P., Hornyák M., Pastuszak J., Szczerba A., Rapacz M., Waga J., Płażek A. 2021. Changes in the flower and leaf proteome of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) under high temperature. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 2678. DOI

Pastuszak J., Szczerba A., Dziurka M., Hornyák M., Kopeć P., Szklarczyk M., Płażek A. 2021. Physiological and biochemical response to Fusarium culmorum infection in three durum wheat genotypes at seedling and full anthesis stage. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 7433. DOI

Szczerba A., Płażek A., Pastuszak J., Kopeć P., Hornyák M., Dubert F. 2021. Effect of low temperature on germination, growth, and seed yield of four soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars. Agronomy 11: 800. DOI