Dr Barbara Pawełek
Research Assistant

Research interests
- Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the organisms inhabiting mountain and polar areas.
- Molecular biogeography of nivicolous myxomycetes.
- Population variability studies using genotyping methods.
- Next-generation sequencing (NGS).
- Factors determining the distribution of male and female individuals in dioecious plant species with sex chromosomes.
Higher education and employment history
- MSc degree at the Jagiellonian University (2014).
- Biology specialist at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS (2021–2023).
- PhD degree at the Jagiellonian University (2022).
- Research assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS (since 2023).
Research projects
- Application of electron density delocalized bonds (EDDB) in the analysis of the structure and reactivity of molecular systems (2016–2019); grant no: UMO-2015/17/D/ST4/00558; National Science Center (NCN) – contributor.
- LIFE: Conservation of Parnassius apollo in Poland, Czechia and Austria (2021–2028); grant no. LIFE20 NAT/PL/000151; LIFE program – National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management – contributor.
- MICROCOSMOS: Mountain ecosystems facing global warming: study of impact of snow cover parameters on microbial communities of nivicolous myxomycetes (2022–2024); grant no. 2020/39/I/NZ8/03262; National Science Centre (NCN) & German Research Foundation (DFG) – contributor.
Recent publications (selected)
Suchan T., Pawełek B. 2024. Are Parnassius apollo populations from the Pieniny National Park introgressed? A genetic study. In: J. Bodziarczyk (ed.). Pieniny – Przyroda i Człowiek, Monografie vol. 20. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Pieniński Park Narodowy, Poznań-Krościenko nad Dunajcem: 231–244. DOI
Piwowarczyk R., Sánchez Pedraja Ó., Moreno Moral G., Góralski G., Kwolek D., Denysenko-Bennett M., Pawełek B. 2018. Orobanche arpica (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus, and contributional notes on O. ser. Krylowianae. Phytotaxa 361: 65–76. DOI
Szczepanik D.W., Solà M., Krygowski T.M., Szatylowicz H., Andrzejak M., Pawełek B., Dominikowska J., Kukułka M., Dyduch K. 2018. Aromaticity of acenes: The model of migrating π-circuits. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20: 13430–13436. DOI
Szczepanik D.W., Andrzejak M., Dominikowska J., Pawełek B., Krygowski T.M., Szatylowicz H., Solà M. 2017. The electron density of delocalized bonds (EDDB) applied for quantifying aromaticity. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19: 28970–28981. DOI
Szczepanik D.W., Solà M., Andrzejak M., Pawełek B., Dominikowska J., Kukułka M., Dyduch K., Krygowski T.M., Szatylowicz H. 2017. The role of the long-range exchange corrections in the description of electron delocalization in aromatic species. Journal of Computational Chemistry 38: 1640–1654. DOI