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The success of the project implemented with Dicot opens the way to the commercial production of a new drug substance

A year ago, we wrote about the cooperation of our scientists and scientists from Uppsala University with the Swedish pharmaceutical company Dicot. The aim of this cooperation was to investigate whether the starting material for the extraction of a drug substance with the working name LIB-01 can be produced using plant cell cultures and technology commonly used in large-scale production. The project participant, Błażej Ślązak from our Institute, has just announced that the research conducted on a laboratory scale has been successful, which opens the prospects for the commercial production of the drug. The project involved recognized researchers and specialists in the field of pharmacognosy and students from Poland, Sweden and Turkey, who were thus given the opportunity to gain valuable experience working in an international research team.

More information can be found in the press release on the Dicot website.

Glass laboratory vessels fixed in holders, immersed at the bottom in a beaker with a black liquid standing on a heater

Chemical reaction in the process of preparing extracts for analysis.
Photo: Marta Hornyák.

Lumps of light brown granular mass lying on a glass dish

Callus – an example of in vitro culture for obtaining medicinal substances.
Photo: Marta Hornyák.

A hand-held plastic container with several greenish seedlings resembling split beans

Seedlings used in the project.
Photo: Marta Hornyák.